Yitzhak (Pascha) Avidov (Reichmann)

Fought as a partisan in the forests of Ukraine; liberated in February 1944 at the age of 30; a founding member of the Bricha movement in its route Rowne to Lublin and thence to Bucharest in order to reach Eretz Israel. Participated with Abba Kovner in founding the Nakam movement in 1945 and was Kovner’s deputy.

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Yitzhak Avidov (Reichmann), known also by his underground name Pascha, was Abba Kovner’s deputy in the Nakam group

A group of Nakam members in Tarvisio: Pascha, third from end, Abba Kovner, in a white shirt, center; Italy, July 1945

Group photo with Abba Kovner in the center and Pascha, end on the left. On the right: Eliezer Lidovski

An encounter with Jewish Brigade members and Holocaust Survivors in Italy, summer 1945